Advanced Dream Interpretation
with Shawn Bolz, Steve and Ginny Maddox - July 2021
It’s the glory of God to conceal a matter and the honor of kings to search it out. - Proverbs 25:2
At first glance our dreams can seem very difficult to interpret and we can become frustrated with the language of dreams but this isn’t because God wants to confuse us or tell us something that we will never understand. Our dreams are an invitation to learn a new language and build a closer relationship with God and keep our lives on track.
Join Shawn Bolz along with Master Dream Interpreting Experts: Steve & Ginny Maddox as they take us through 5+ hours (20+ videos) of teaching, LIVE portions and activations. Throughout this eCourse you will gain a deeper understanding of dreams, how to interpret your own dreams and how to interpret the dreams of others.
God loves to speak to us during the night through our dreams. Dreams are a tool that the Lord uses to get to speak to us. If we understand that the Lord wants to speak to us, it opens up another level in connection with Him. We can all learn to interpret dreams and God loves to teach us during our waking time what He’s speaking during the night season.
This is one of the most comprehensive courses we've ever made on the subject of Dreams! Join Shawn Bolz along with Steve & Ginny Maddox as they share from the most immersive platform with teachings, LIVE Q&A's, LIVE interactive pieces, and smaller group sizes. Do you desire to learn and grow in your dream language? In this class you will learn to discover your own dream language and how dream language and symbols can be easily understood once you learn the process of interpretation! Your dreams reveal who you are and what you are called to do!
You can purchase this class, OR sign up for our Spiritual Growth Academy which includes THIS CLASS PLUS all past, current and future classes/events for ONE LOW PRICE of $25/month!!
Here is what you can expect:
- How To Interpret Your Dreams - Part 1
- Dream Symbols & Language
- Ginny's GPS Dream
- LIVE Student Interview
- Transition & Correction
- Stagecoach Dream
- Telescope Dream
- LIVE Student Interview
- Learn The Difference Between Dreams And Visions
- Directional Dreams
- Dreams with Revelation
- LIVE Student Interview
- Journaling and Applying Your Dreams
- Dreams Stories
- Nightmares and How to Stop Them
- LIVE Student Interview
Your Instructor
Shawn is a TV and podcast host, an author, producer and a Christian minister. He has been leading conversations in the church, entertainment industry, and in social justice that have helped believers connect their faith to culture in a transformative way.
Shawn's deeply connected yet humorous style of speaking, media hosting & coaching through his unique expert perspective has brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEO's, entertainers, and world leaders. His areas of passion include: developing Christianity that brings transformation, the intersection of Christianity and popular culture, business from a faith perspective, social justice through faith, and hearing God’s voice with a focus on restoring dignity to Biblical based prophetic ministry.