How does the Prophetic operate?



“I have also spoken by the Prophets, and multiplied visions; I have given symbols through the witness of the Prophets.”  Hosea 12:10


We have a solid historical contest for different types of prophets and prophecies.  All the prophets were sent by God to communicate His mind, His heart, and His desires on the earth.  We see throughout history, many of the prophets were even prototypes for God’s future activity.

Prophecy has no limitation.  It can go anywhere God’s voice can go, which means anywhere.  Anywhere God loves, His voice can go. God wants the kingdoms of this world to be shaken by His voice and His nature.  He wants to influence and impact all the Kingdoms of this world and scripture makes this clear.

Prophecy is God’s vehicle to partner with the resources of Heaven to give Jesus His full authority, power, and reward in every sphere of society.  In other words - the kingdoms of this world are your oyster.

Who does God want to speak to?  Everyone!

Who does God want to relate Himself to?  Anyone who will love Him!

Where you are is the perfect place for prophecy to go.  It’s not limited to the church, but God Himself, Jesus, said “Go into all the world and preach the good news”, which means, He’s going. God wants us to engage outside of just the church building.  The prophetic works best in all of society. Many of you are right where you need to be and the career you are in, God wants to use you right there.


  1. Think of a way you can make the prophetic relatable in your life today.


God, I pray for everyone who’s watching, teach us how to operate in hearing your voice.  Teach us how to hold the keys to the kingdom, that Jesus had and He restored to us, that we’re supposed to go into all the world.  Unlock your original intention over humanity. Thank you that the prophetic helps us to access Heaven. The prophetic helps us to access your original intention and your desire.  Would you allow us to see into the areas that we’re called to. Help us to have a prophetic perspective, let it be a gift to help us see the world differently. I pray over each one of you, to have eyes to see what God’s doing in your life, and that you would have words to give people as you see what He’s doing in you.  In Jesus name, Amen!

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